Check Your Tyres!
What can happen if you have mismatched tyres on your Freelander 2?
Freelander 2 Uprated Front Differential/Transfer Box Reconditioned 2 yr warranty – Same Day Service
Freelander 2 Uprated Front Differential/Transfer Box Reconditioned 2 yr warranty IS YOUR FREELANDER 2 WHINING / CRUNCHING FROM THE FRONT ? Do you want your beloved Freelander to run smooth and quiet again? We Can Help! If your Freelander Power Transfer Unit (PTU) / transfer box / front differential is damaged we
How to Separate a Freelander Viscous Coupling Unit (VCU) from the Prop Shaft
Separating the viscous coupling unit (VCU) of your Freelander from the prop shaft can be difficult – particularly the front prop shaft which often gets very rusted. This video shows you how to separate the two without causing damage.