If you have the message “transmission fault reduced traction” on your Freelander 2, it may be that the haldex on your rear differential needs a software update, or it could be an issue with the Haldex pump. Unfortunately we have found a faulty pump to generally indicate an issue with the Haldex itself, and if only the pump is replace the issue tend to raise its head again after a few months. Hence, it is recommended to change the whole Haldex for a new or reconditioned unit. We can supply both new and reconditioned Haldex units.
I’ve just had the haldex replaced and after a couple of days received the transmission fault reduced traction message on my dash. Do you have any ideas what this may be? It goes away after turning the vehicle off and on, and I’m not sure, but may come on after using the off road controls?
Hi Dave,
When the Haldex was replaced was it just the active-on-demand part of the Haldex or was the Haldex ECU changed as well?
The transmission fault tends to come up for three different reasons, firstly an issue with the active-on-demand unit, generally caused by reduced pump pressure and will bring up the pump pressure code on diagnostics; or secondly an electronic issue which will just bring up a communication error on diagnostics and could be an issue with either the Haldex ECU or the ECU wiring. It would, therefore, be a good idea to put it on diagnostics and see which codes are coming up – if you let us know the codes we will be able to advise further.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
I have just bought a 2008 freelancer 2 185,000miles all good except I can’t drive it between 1500-2000 rpm in 4th 5th 6th gear because of a shudder that shakes the whole car, it seem’s to be coming from the middle of the car under the front seats.
Hi Clive,
This sounds like an issue with one of the driveshafts, check them for play, make sure you check them in all directions, in and out and up and down.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Thanks, there seems to be some play in the first carrier bearing of the rear driveshaft. I’ll try removing it and a test drive.
Hi Sue.
I was wondering if.you could help. My fl2 08 tdi is vibrating when i get to 70mph. Seems to be coming from under the car. Any idea on what it could be?
Hi Stuart,
A vibration is usually due to a driveshaft, so check these. If your Freelander 2 is automatic it could also be the torque converter.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi, I have a Freelander 2 diesel auto, I am getting an intermittent massage on my dash saying gearbox fault traction reduced and a yellow warning signal it only happened after having two new tyres fitted the car feels ok it was serviced only last month and they said after I had seen the message appear intermittent that they re set it and now it’s showing the message again. I read about the Haley but gee that’s expensive do you think it’s due to the 2 new front tyres ?
Any help appreciated
Hi Colette,
The gearbox fault traction reduced light is highly likely to be caused by replacing the two front tyres.
It is crucial on a Freelander that the tyres are all the same make, model, size, tread depth remaining and air pressures, if not it could cause issues with your drivetrain. If you do only change two of the tyres then make sure the new ones are exactly the same make and model of the ones remaining on the Freelander and do not have significantly different tread depths remaining. Then, always fit the new ones to the rear of the vehicle not the front.
The first thing is to make sure the two tyres you have just replaced are the same make and model as the two which you have on the rear of the Freelander. If they are not then you will need to also replace the other two tyres.
If they are the same make and model then check the tread depths of each tyre – if there is more than a 2mm difference in the tread depth of the new tyres and the older tyres then we would strongly recommend replacing the older two tyres with new ones. If the tread depths are all within 2 mm of each other then put the tyres with the larger tread depth on the rear.
If this does not solve your problem it could be there is already damage to the drivetrain and the first thing to do would be to put it on diagnostics.
Please also be aware the Haldex unit should be serviced about every 2 – 3 years and this is not on the Land Rover service schedule and hence tends not to get done. So if your Haldex has not been serviced in the last couple of years it would be worth getting this done.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi sue
I have a Freelander 2 2011 td4 2.2 when I was away had transmission fault reduced traction on dash pulled over restarted an fault disappeared done 300 miles around wales and travelling home fault did not appear again diagnostic codes stored are p1889 and u0437 and after having a look a tyres the front ones are on legal limit and back are around 5mm would you suggest a new set of tyres or have the Haldex replaced thank you for your help
Hi Gavin,
It sounds as though the mismatch with the tyres may be causing an issue with the Haldex unit, or, if you have not had the Haldex serviced in the last three years it may be an issue with the oil quality.
In the first instance we would recommend changing all four tyres so they are fully matched and servicing the Haldex. If the error comes back after this then it will be a case of replacing the Haldex – we can supply (or supply and fit) a reconditioned Haldex if required.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue,
I have been reading your thread which there is a lot of good information on. I have a 2009 FL2 which when I drive away from a junction feels like a judder, sometimes when accelerating a small thud. How can I check if it is the haldex unit or transfer box. There are no warnings or loss of power.
Hi Sue,
Sorry I forgot to mention that it is a manual transmission.
Hi Steven,
Does the judder generally come when you are cornering? Does it appear to be coming from one of the rear wheels?
If the transfer box is causing the judder then you would generally see some rust coloured residue coming from the sleeve which is between the transfer box and and gearbox.
If the Haldex is causing the juddering you would generally get an error on diagnostics (possibly not on the dashboard), either stating a communication error or a pump pressure error.
It is not always easy to determine which unit is causing the issue and sometimes the problem could be with more than one of the units.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
I have a 2011 FL 2 SHE 2.2td4
Not long after I bought it I got a warning of reduced traction , terrain response system not available… this was an intermittent fault and usually cleared when engine turned off and back on.
When I took it to the garage to be investigated it turned out to be a battery issue.
It wasn’t holding enough charge and was going on to a limp type mode that shut down any system that wasn’t 100% needed to drive the car….battery replaced and 100% fine afterwards and a lit cheaper than a replacement haldex
Hi Colin,
Thank you very much for sharing your experience, it is certainly something to be considered when getting any fault codes.
All the best,
Hi I have a 2011 freelander2 it’s coming up with transmission fault traction reduced when it’s been plugged into the computer it’s coming up with P1889 Oil pressure pump Performance Have you got any idea what this could be? Thanks andy
Hi Andy,
This is a problem with the Haldex Active-on-Demand unit. These units should be serviced every 2 – 3 years as they contain a filter and operate on pump pressure. Unfortunately this service is not on the Land Rover service schedule and hence does not tend to get done. It sounds as though your oil / filter is now in a condition whereby the pump can no longer operate effectively.
It is possible to change just the pump, however, we have often seen this to sort out the issue only in the short term, and, because the congealed oil is blocking small channels within the Haldex unit then this will put pressure on the pump and the problem can reoccur a few months down the line. Given that the pump is such an expensive item (£452.11 including VAT), to ensure the problem is solved we would recommend changing the whole Haldex Active-on-Demand unit – we supply reconditioned units for £780 including VAT, and these include a new pump.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Will getting it serviced not sort the problem out?
Dear Sue
I am looking on some advice with my Haldex gen3 unit on my FL2.
I bought the car short time ago. The car had no errors on dash but the rear wheels fail to spin when in mud/wet grass when i tested all the special programs. So assumed it might be the Haldex unit as i didn t know anything about its service from the previous owner. As i read that a common failure is the pump so i changed the oil and filter i cleaned also the pump as if was full with sediment there, on filter also. But when i opened the pump head i noticed something strange inside. This pump looks to have from the total 6 spring bolts, 3 were pointed to the pump motor and 3 where pointed to the head of the pump. The 3 ones pointed to the pump motor looked like just not belonging from there, they had no place to fit in the rotor head of the pump. Strange but in that configuration i had no traction reduced error on dash. After fitting the pump back, i assembled them as i found a schema online, with all 6 spring bolts pointing to the pump motor. Anyway fitting them in this config i get the Traction reduced error after a minute from the engine start. I cold tested the pump and it spins normally. Mine is a 3rd gen Haldex unit. Is there to buy a pump head assembly or is just the whole pump. Or will be better to take it to diag before? I only have delphi diag tools near me. Will this be enough for a proper diag?
Thank you very much for you time.
Hi George,
What codes does the diagnostics have on it?
As far as we are aware the pump is only available as a complete unit and not just as the head.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hey Sue
Will go to diag to read the codes and get beck here with infos.
So i have a p1889 fault code, hoping its just the pump and service!!
Why have LR never put the haldex service into the servicing schedule like skoda/audi if it causes problems without being serviced???
Hi Simon,
We do not know why land Rover never put servicing the Haldex on the service schedule, given it has a filter and is run by oil pressure it clearly needs to be serviced!
The problem with having an oil pressure fault is that if the oil has congealed and blocked the small channels within the Haldex even changing the filter and the pump will not cure it permanently. It may fix it for a few months but it could come back again. Hence the decision is whether to just change the pump, filter and oil and hope for the best (if it does not sort it out then it could mean having to change the pump again) or whether to go for a fully reconditioned unit from the start, knowing that this will sort the problem out.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Dear Sue,
It seems I have the same problem here “transmission fault traction reduced” also I have a small knocking coming I think from the engine compartment only when I hit small bumps in the road. I have spoken to the mechanic stating I want a new battery as I think this needs to be replaced as it slightly struggled after one week leaving it at Heathrow long term parking, I also mentioned to the mechanic to completely service the Haldex and check engine mounting strut bushes and anti roll bushes. I hope that we are on the right track here in curing this issue, Also my eco system don’t work as when I stop the engine carry’s on idling instead of stopping.
Hi Richard,
It sounds as though you are on the right track. It is worth getting the mechanic to put it on diagnostics first, this will identify if the “transmission fault traction reduced” error is concerning the pump for the Haldex or the control module / wiring – certainly having the Haldex fully serviced is a good idea regardless of what the issue is. You are looking at the right things for the suspension, also check the link rods. The diagnostics should also bring up any issues with the eco system.
All the best,
Hi sue just found this thread … my 2013 freelander 2 had a new rear diff last August . They changed haldex oil then. it is now throwing up a gearbox fault traction reduced warning . It has been coded and one of the ones is throwing up is p1889 , there were no faults in automatic transmission but also 2 in the body control module ( didn’t see codes) , he wants it in again to look at electrics ?
Hi Susie,
This can happen when the differential is changed and the Haldex oil is changed (which it has to be when replacing the differential). The problem is the Haldex should be serviced about every two – three years, but it is not on any Land Rover service schedule, and hence generally does not get done. By the time the oil is changed it has become very poor quality and has compromised the pump, and can also cause blockages within the Haldex unit itself. You can just change the Haldex pump, however, if there are any blockages within the Haldex itself you may find that 2 – 3 months down the line you get the same errors again, along with a broken new pump (which are not cheap!). So generally, at this stage your choice is to try just changing the pump or bite the bullet and replace the Haldex with a reconditioned unit (£650+VAT = £780) to ensure the problem is solved.
Although you have codes in the body control module these may be historical. So the best thing is to clear the codes and see if they come back before worrying too much about them.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Thanks for your help . It is the haldex … just been quoted silly money to replace … Shame you aren’t nearer ! Think I’m just going to give up on it now and sell it !
Hi Susie,
We can supply you with a reconditioned Haldex and ship it to you. The reconditioned units are £780 including VAT and the shipping is £35, which includes shipping the reconditioned unit to you and your damaged unit back to us.
All the best,
Hi Sue,
I have a 2014 Freelander Metropolis with only 30000 miles on the clock and the original tyres (evenly worn, approx 5mm tread left. The Haldex has never been serviced. “Gearbox fault – traction reduced” flashed up when I missed an exit on a roundabout and I ended up doing the full circle but not at a particularly high speed. After switching off ignition for 15 minutes the warning has disappeared. Could the roundabout thing be connected? Seems a bit of a coincidence. Either way I guess I should get it checked on diagnostics?
Hi Steve,
It sounds as though this is Haldex related, especially since it happened when cornering (this is when the 4×4 kicks in). Yes, your first step would be to put it on diagnostics, if the issue is pump pressure be aware that if just the pump is replaced rather than reconditioning the whole Haldex the issue may reoccur in a few months, since old oil may have blocked the small channels within the Haldex, and could end up damaging the replacement pump again.
If you have any questions once the diagnostics has been done then please do not hesitate to contact me.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Think they have been very crafty new haldex units £1000+ fitted there onto a winner every time
Hello Sue,
I have a F2, 2008. A have this ‘transmission fault traction reduce’ and the U0114 and U0437 erors. When i stop the car, and start it again, the massage disapear and after 5-6 km appears again…. can you help me ? I changed the oil pump, oil, filter to haldex and same problem. I also changed the wheal berrings back left and right. I have no idea…. please give me your advice. I am from Romania, and excuse me if i read with mistakes. Thank you and waiting for your answear.
Hello Cristian,
The error codes you are getting are more about the communication with the Haldex control module that the pump pressure. It could be that you have an issue with the wires to the Haldex ECU or a problem with the Haldex ECU itself.
All the best,
Hi i randomly get a warning, “transmission fault traction reduce” i scanned it and got U2023 and P0700 any advice on what i should do next thanks.
Hi Shayne,
It sounds like you have a communication issue with the transmission control module or Haldex ECU. You will need to put it on diagnostics which can communicate with the individual control modules. If, when you plug it in, it will not communicate with one of the control modules then you are likely to have either a wiring problem to that module or a fault with the module itself.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue
I got reduced traction warning 3 months ago, cleared when car restarted then nothing again until today, upon restart nothing on dash, also no juddering noticed. I did put 2 new tyres on the back 4 days ago. The front are ~5mm. After reading advice I’m booked in to get the front ones replaced also! It’s a 2013 FL2 so is it likely the transmission is forgiving enough and the tyre wear has caused the warning or is it likely I’ve done some serious damage? (the rear diff was replaced 18months ago for the known pinion issue). I read that Haldex in other vehicles with VCU can vary a lot in how sensitive they are to tyre differences.
Hi Dave,
Good move to also replace the two front tyres – make sure they are the same make, model and size.
It would be advisable to get the Haldex serviced, so if it has become a bit congealed you may be able to catch it before there is any real damage. It is a case of changing the oil, filter and cleaning out the pump.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Many thanks Sue, I’m based up in Glasgow So will look for an Indy LR garage. What is an approx cost for Haldex service please?
Hi Dave,
Depending on which generation it is, you are looking at about £165.
All the best,
Hi Sue,I am Rahul Daware from Pune,India. I have freelander 2 ,it is stuk in parking mode and I am not able to toe or move it, please give me solution for this.thanks regards
Hi Rahul,
It could be that the spring in the gear lever has come loose / apart / broken. This will stop the car coming out of Park. You can try tapping it but failure to that it will need you to dismantle the gearstick.
All the best,
Hello. My Freelander 2 /2010 , is having an issue. When there is some load like going uphill or carry on a trailer, I have a ” Transmission Fault” error, and feeling of reduced power (But no message of power reduction). I went to the service and the computer says ” Error p0741-00 event tcm “…..it could be also a Haldex problem? Thank you in advance.
Hello Abel,
The trouble code you are getting is P0741 Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Performance or Stuck Off which can be caused by the TCM (transmission control module). The best thing would be to take it to somebody with a diagnostic tool which can monitor the TCM (this will require an advanced diagnostic tool). It does not sound like a Haldex issue.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue,
I had front tyres changed 10 mins ago on my FL2 TD4, 63 reg. warning sign came up with ‘Gearbox Fault, Traction reduced’. Both front tyres are new and same make. Rear ones are bit old. Any advice? Thank you.
Hi Gotham,
On the Freelander all four tyres need to be matched – same make, model, size, tread depth remaining and air pressure. If you do change just two tyres then always put the newest two on the rear, not on the front – this, however, does not guarantee you will not have a problem if the rolling radius of the newest ones is significantly different to that of the older ones.
Clearly the new tyres are rolling at a significantly different rate than the older two which you have on the rear and this is affecting the drivetrain. Our best advice would be to change the older two tyres as soon as possible to the same make, model and size as the two new ones – it would be much cheaper than dealing with the damage that can occur to the drivetrain!
All the best,
0780 9575 421
I have a 2007 Freelander 2 which is making a thudding noise from the rear which sounds like its coming from the Haldex but there are no messages or fault codes. I had the haldex unit serviced however this has made no difference. I have also tried unplugging the haldex unit but it is still thudding.
Any help on what the issue is and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Tom,
Normally if the Haldex is the issue then unplugging it will stop the noise. If the noise is not suspension related then the other thing it could be is the power transfer unit at the front of the drivetrain. If the splines between this and the sleeve going into the gearbox have been damaged this can cause a thudding noise which appears to come from the rear. What condition are your tyres in? Are they all matched in terms of make, model, size, tread depth remaining and air pressure?
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hello Alain,
What a find! At that mileage we would not expect any great issues, so provided it is driving nicely then it should be fine. Given the exceptionally low mileage we would recommend a service fairly quickly – little mileage and short journeys actually warrant more frequent servicing rather than less frequent. Make sure you always use a high grade oil rather than the cheaper equivalents, the Freelander 2 is very sensitive to its oil.
Good luck with your purchase.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue thanks for coming back to me I’ll get the codes read Saturday
Thanks James
Hi Sue I have a freelancer 2 2009 auto I have no errors on the dash but I have a rear rumble/thumping when turning slowly in circles also from T junctions you will here a knocking thump from the rear whilst the vehicle is turning but this disappears completely once the vehicle is straight. I have no diff noises does this sound like a Hadley issue? Also do you think a Hadlex service might help?
Thanks James
Hi James,
Yes, this does sound like a Haldex issue. You could try servicing the Haldex first – change the fluid, the filter and clean the pump – although it would be worth putting it on diagnostics to see if there are any error codes present.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue
we have a 2012 freelander , with a transmission fault ,
fault code p1889 oil pump monitoring short to +/ground
not sure if a pump for the heldix unit or a complete heldix
thanks Dave
Hi David,
Unfortunately it could be either. The P1889 pump pressure performance error usually happens when the Haldex has not been serviced and the filter has blocked up and the pump has been affected. You may get away with changing the pump, filter and fluid, however, if the fluid is in a poor enough condition to have affected the internals of the Haldex then you would need to replace the whole unit. It is difficult to determine this without opening up the unit.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
I have a Freelander 2 and just had new rear diff fitted and still have a drumming and winding noise at about 50 mp hour. Could you please help with this problem, thankyou, Nigel
Hi Nigel,
We can certainly help with your issue.
Did replacing the rear diff cure anything?
Does the noise change at all when you go around a corner.
With the drumming noise, does this appear to be coming from the central rear or from just one of the wheels?
You are very welcome to bring your Freelander to us (we are located at IP26 4RH) and we will diagnose what the problem is for you.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Thanks for getting back to me but I’ve had it diagnosed and it is a faulty diff that was fitted a week ago, so it’s being looked at now.
Excellent Nigel, I hope you have it sorted soon.
All the best,
I have a2007 freelander that has two messages coming up on the dash.
“HDC fault system” and “Transmission Fault”
These messages came on a few weeks after having the rear diff bearings replaced.
Do you think these messages are related to the Haldex unit.
Hi Joel,
Yes, this sounds like a Haldex issue. When the rear differential was reconditioned was the Haldex serviced? Was the correct oil used in the Haldex (this is different to the rear differential oil and has to be changed when the rear differential is removed)?
What condition are your tyres in?
To get a better understanding of what the issue is it would be best to put it on diagnostics.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Thanks Sue.
Yes we replaced the oil in the Haldex unit, but that was the extent of what happened to the unit. We are now replacing the filter in it.
I am pretty sure that we have a issue with the haldex control module though. It is not communicating with the scan tool.
I will report on the result.
Hi Joel,
If the error is a non-communication error then your issue will be with the Haldex ECU rather than the Haldex itself.
All the best,
Hi Sue, I am new to this site. I came across your helpful comments on searching for haldex problems. My question would be: I have a freelander 2, 2014 2.2 td4. I bought a year ago but noticed a droning, whining noise, from somewhere in middle or back of car, especially around a certain speed (50mph). If there would be a problem with the Haldex unit, would it be ok to take out the FB 6 fuse or disconnect the Haldex ecu plug and drive the car. I’m not bothered about having no traction control, but if I need I.e in the winter I could put the fuse back to take me out of tricky situations. I’m also not concerned having the warning light on as long as I don’t damage anything doing so.
Best regards John
Hi John,
This is not a Haldex issue this is the rear differential which is whining. Ultimately you will need to have it rebuilt – we can do this in a day for you – remove, rebuild and refit – for £750 including VAT.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
We have a 62 plate freelander 2 and we are getting the message that says transmission fault traction reduced could you advise on what this could be!
Thanks Vania
Hi Vania,
It is possibly a problem with the Haldex. What condition are your tyres in? Are they all the same make, model, size, tread depth remaining and air pressure?
The first thing to do would be to put it on diagnostics as it could be an issue with the Haldex active-on-demand coupling or it could be the Haldex ECU – diagnostics should help to identify which, if any it is. Are you getting any other symptoms?
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hello, hope you can help me.
I have bought six month ago a Freelander 2 (registered February 2007) with a very low mealage (22000 Km).
When I start from cold and don’t switch off the engine, there is no problem, even for a long trip and the car seems to be FWD.
But when I restart the engine the message “transmission fault reduced traction” appear on the dashboard and only the front wheels are activated.
Now the mealage is 30000 Km and there is no change.
My french LR specialist tells that the Haldex pump is to be changed.
What do you think about that ?
Hi Robert,
It does sound as though it could be a Haldex issue, especially if the Haldex pump code is coming up. The problem is caused by the Haldex not being serviced – it is not actually on the Land Rover service schedule, but in our experience it is best to service them every 2 – 3 years. What happens is the oil becomes congealed, blocks the filter and pump, and then you get the error code because the pump is not managing to pump the oil around the Haldex. Once it gets to that stage changing the pump, oil and filter may solve the issue, however often it will only solve it for a few months, as congealed oil is still in the Haldex itself, so it may be that you need a new or reconditioned Haldex to solve the issue completely. If you do require a reconditioned Haldex we can supply one, with a brand new pump, for £650+VAT (£780) plus £35 UK shipping, which includes shipping the reconditioned unit to you and your damaged unit back to us.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue,
I have a 2013 freelander2 xs 4×4 first registered april the model has day running lights can you tell which model of haldex unit is fitted to my car.
Kind Regards,
Hi Robert,
It should be the Generation 4 Haldex which is fitted to your 2013 Freelander.
All the best,
Hello and first things first, thank you Sue for all the genuine and informative information that you are giving everyone on this thread.
I have a 2013 Freelander 2, SD4 Auto with 90,000 miles on it. The Traction reduced message has just come up on the journey home. This vehicle is serviced religiously by a LR specialist in the North West where I live. Question is, in your experience, how long can anyone expect to get without major issues on this system. My previous cars have done 250,000 miles without problems, so this is a little worrying
Hi Darren,
The main problem with the Haldex issue is that servicing the Haldex is not on any Land Rover schedule, so even if you have had the Freelander serviced with a Land Rover dealer they will not have serviced the Haldex. Other users of the Haldex system advise servicing a Haldex every 2 – 3 years (change the oil and filter), and we would agree this is very good advice.
How long you would expect to go without any major issues on the drivetrain really is down to how the Freelander is looked after. If the Haldex is serviced regularly and all the tyres are kept matched in size, make, model, tread level and air pressure, then you should not experience problems at all. The problem comes when Land Rover do not promote the servicing of the Haldex and even tyre specialists do not warn of the dangers of replacing just two tyres instead of all four, it does not help the owner of the Freelander look after it properly.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue,
Thank you so much for your speedy reply. I changed all four tyres at the same time although as the front have worn faster than the rear, they have less tread on them, would you suggest a limit for this difference or shall I just change them around, front to back every 5K perhaps.
The car mainly does motorway miles and is not necessarily driven hard, so looked after quite well.
I will check with my guy up here and if no joy I will book in with you if it could perhaps be solved in a day.
Hi Darren,
Apologies for the delay in responding.
We are not yet sure of the tolerance but certainly would not recommend it being more than 5mm difference in the rolling radius of the wheels. Often it helps to change them around regularly, however be careful once they have already worn as having the smaller tyres on the rear is a greater problem than having the smaller tyres on the front.
Yes, if it is replacing the Haldex, we can do this in a day.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hello again Sue,
Well my chap up here in the North has said that the pump unit is faulty on the Haldex and changed it for a new one, message is still there. He does say that the Haldex looked perfect when they looked at it and that the message is burned into the ECU due to a short firing back at the ECU from the pump. So a new ECU required at over £500 – ouch
Getting the feeling that I am slowly building a new car……….
Don’t know if you have heard of this one before?
I’m having to have mine replaced at the moment and my freelander has only just 36000 miles!!!!!
Oh no Rachel, that is not good. What condition are your tyres in? Are they all the same make, model, tread depth and air pressure?
Have you ever had the Haldex serviced? When it is replaced it is worth getting it serviced every 2 – 3 years to avoid issues in the future. Unfortunately Land Rover do not have a full Haldex service on their service schedule so it tends not to be done.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
I have a 2010 FL2 SD4 Auto. Just got the Transmission Fault, Traction Reduced error the last couple of days.
Just to confirm, whilst I find time/place to get it checked.
Is it safe to drive (roads) in the short term?
I realise I’ll be without 4×4 but commuting to work isn’t going to make any worse is it?
Hi Ian,
We have not known one to cause a problem when driven with the transmission fault, traction reduced error message. As you say, when the fault is showing the Haldex is disabled so you only have front wheel drive.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
My 2009 Freelander 2 diesel reports the fault
HCC Fault, system unavailable
Is this the same fault? I can find no reference to fault codes in the handbook
Merry Christmas
Hi Mike,
I assume it says “HDC Fault, System Unavailable”, rather than HCC. If so then check your battery, a low voltage can cause this error – the cold weather can also contribute to this. Does it go out or is the fault always displayed?
All the best,
0780 9575 421
re your comments re tyres I have mismatched tyres on my 2007 FL2 I have just bought at 118K miles.
tyres look evenly worn and are now all inflated to correct pressure – previously were all at 25psi (now 32psi)
My mismatched tyres are :
continetal on PSF
Bridgeport on DSF
bridgeport on PSR
continental on DSR.
I accept the advice that all 4 should be the same but is there any combination of these that is better.
currently i have the same mix on front and rear wheels, but is it best to have matching but different pairs on the front and the rear axles.
Dont have budget to chsnge them yet, but did get timing belt and water pump replaced as part of the deal.
Hi Andy,
Thank you for your telephone call, as I mentioned, matching the tyres is critical on the Freelander 2. If you check the tyres are not heating up the rear differential then you may be okay, but if the differential is getting hot then, unfortunately, you will definitely have to change them.
All the best,
Hi I’m just wondering can you supply Haldex, pump, and diff complete for a ‘08 Freelander 2? Thank you.
Hi Gareth,
Thank you for your enquiry.
Yes, we can supply the Haldex, pump and diff complete. A reconditioned Haldex is £780 including VAT and this includes a new pump. A reconditioned rear differential is £495 including VAT. UK shipping is £35 which includes shipping the reconditioned units to you and your damaged units back to us. If you wanted the units fitted it would be £205 including VAT.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
I am experiencing transmission fault and HDC system not available and the car refuses to start and the key inside. Freelander 2, 2007 diesel
Hi Fernado,
Is it trying to start or is it doing nothing at all?
Try disconnecting the car battery for at least 10 minutes then reconnecting it. This resets the system and may sort out the fault.
Do you have a second earth strap fitted? If not then it is worth doing this – generally we would take it from the battery to the gearbox bell housing.
All the best,
Thanks Sue
the shift light indicator does not light and it doe not shift. and also the indicating light on the key entry on the ignition does not light. I thought was the battery but I bought the newer one with 84 Ah still behaving in the same was.
Same happened to my 2007 XS td4.
Still no news from the garage on what’s wrong.
Did you find a solution yet??
Hi George,
Have you put it on diagnostics to see what error code it comes up with?
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Hi Sue
I am in South Africa, and took my 2009 Freelander II, 2.2 Diesel in to have the diff repaired. It came back with a computer message ‘reduced traction fault’. Now the repairer says it is the Haldex unit that is faulty. This was not the case when the car went in for repairs. I sense there is something not right here.
From your experience, what could have gone wrong? Can you shed some light please? Much appreciated.
Hi Hein,
If your rear differential was just whining then we would not expect this to result in an issue with the Haldex. What oil did they use in the Haldex when they did the differential? The wrong oil can cause issues.
All the best,
Hi Sue,
Apologies if this seems a bit cheeky but I wondered if you would give me the benefit of your experience as to whether it is within the scope of somebody like myself who grew up fixing their own engines and doing general mechanics (1970’s) to remove and replace a haldex unit on a 2011 Freelander SD4. I’d be particularly interested in whether any specialist tools etc. are required. If I lived closer I’d have no hesitation in leaving the job to you but live in the North West which is a long run and have little faith in the closer main dealerships. I also wondered does continuing to drive after receiving the transmission fault / reduced traction message have any adverse effect? I’ve not noticed any discernible difference so far. Many thanks for any advice you can give me.
Hi Des,
When the transmission fault appears it automatically disconnects the four wheel drive system so you will be operating in front wheel drive only, hence you will not be doing any further damage.
Yes, if you are mechanically competent you should be able to remove and replace the Haldex unit yourself.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
Many thanks Sue for your helpful and prompt reply. That’s reassuring news as if I do decide to make the trek to have it repaired by you at least I won’t be doing any damage driving that distance. I’ll do a bit of closer inspection to assess what self repair would entail and only take a that path if I feel confident but knowing it’s not highly specialist job requiring dealer tools is a good starting point.
I have the fault light traction etc etc. now it has gone off. I have a 2013 Freelander HSE Lux and it’s a damned disgrace that LR have allowed this fault to go untreated in the Haldex etc etc for years. The money people pay for these LR’s is huge and they don’t bother to fix an obvious not fit for purpose fault. This should be a recall and free fix with the recommended oil change etc. I am so annoyed that I bought this thing new and have this already. It has 18,000 or so on the clock. Bloody substandard.
Hi Stephen,
Really sorry to hear about the issues with your Freelander, particularly at such low mileage. Land Rover are not always the most forthcoming of companies unfortunately.
All the best,
Hi Stephen, you are not the only one, I bought a 2014 HSE SD4, it too has just got 19,000 miles on the clock and the same message has appeared on my dash display with the resulting loss of four wheel drive, going back into the dealer this week. Definitely not happy that this has happened at such a low mileage.
Hi Sue,
I’ve a 2010 Freelander 2 over here, and we just changed the rear diff by a rebuild HD one from Bearmach. The problem now is that driving with full lock of the steering wheel, or with the back axle raised and turning the wheels by hand we hear a loud clicking noise from the Hadley unit, generation 4.
There are no electronic fault codes, and the unit is not seized since I can turn the prop shaft by hand.
Is there any ( easy ) solution available, can you help us with spare parts or e reconditioned unit ?
Thanks for your help and answer, best regards,
Rob / France
Hi Rob,
Unfortunately there is no easy solution to this and it would be a case of changing the Haldex unit.
We have had to temporarily suspend sales of the reconditioned Haldex units as our supplier is having an issue with them. We can, however, supply a Land Rover reconditioned unit £1,472.02 + VAT with a £200 + VAT surcharge (refundable on return of the old unit). Shipping to France is £95 which includes shipping the reconditioned unit from the UK to France and your old unit back from France to the UK.
Did you service the Haldex when you fitted the rear differential?
All the best,
Hi Sue,
I have just bought a 2004 petrol Xi freelander.
I am 42yr old but a new driver.
My car is ok but when I turn ignition on and travel the left transmission light comes on. I bought this car yesterday. I AM hoping this won’t be a costly hit.
Hi Chris,
Congratulations on your purchase.
Can you send me a picture of the light which is on, you can email it to sue@freelanderspecialist.com, and we will do our best to help.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
do you know if a freelander sd4 2012 and a freelander td4 2009 have the same rear diff/haledex units? and is it possible to do a straight swap with them?
thanks iain
Hi Iain,
You should be able to use the rear diff however you will need to check which generation of Haldex each is and if they are backward / forward compatible (some are and some are not).
All the best,
A bit embarrassed fishing for free advice but….
Bought a ’10 FL2 in March and almost immediately got the above error message – together with ‘terrain response system faulty’ and ‘special programs off’ when I experimentally pulled over and spun the TR dial. Dealer (not Main but offshoot thereof) diagnosed and replaced Haldex ECU (LR 008956). Seemed OK but 2 months and 1500 miles later it’s reappeared, same messages and same conditions – warmed up and cruising. Still warrantied, just (and so far as i’m concerned it’s the same fault not a new one), but do you have any advice for me to take back to the dealer?
Many thanks for any help, and in any case a very useful website!
Hi Richard,
Don’t be embarrassed, we are here to help.
This is very common. When the reduced traction error is displayed this is usually a sign that the Haldex itself has an issue, the issue is normally the oil becoming globulous and affecting the operation of the Haldex. This results in an error code for either the Haldex pump or the Haldex ECU. In our experience if you replace just the pump or the ECU, depending which has been flagged, this will only give a temporary solution as the internal issue with the Haldex has not been addressed. It is normal for the error to go away for 2 to 3 months before recurring, which, unfortunately, is exactly what you have experienced. The only long term solution is to replace the whole Haldex.
Unfortunately Land Rover do not specify changing the oil on the Haldex on any service schedule, however we would recommend servicing the Haldex about every two years to help avoid these issues.
All the best,
Thanks a lot Sue, very helpful and oddly reassuring, it’ll be useful to have some expert ammunition to take into battle next week! The work on the fault last time round, together with a new clutch & DMF that were also faulty on collection of the car, have probably already wiped out the dealer’s margin, so it’ll be interesting to see how they respond to this….it would be nice if the LRMD community actually took notice of specialist 3rd party knowledge of this kind.
FWIW – after a week of failing then succeeding in replicating the messages, LR initially called to say it was the Haldex solenoid, then called back to say there were more codes coming up and more tests needed! I suspect they’ll end up saying pretty much what you said.
Meanwhile I’ve an immaculate 2yo Jag XE to troll around in, very nice but not much use for towing or carrying muddy Labradors!
Hi Richard,
Generally we have found the best thing is just to replace the whole Haldex – hopefully they will do this eventually. I’m sure the Labradors are having fun in the Jag!
All the best,
Sue, I’ve got a 2011 freelander 2 auto done 14500 miles, just started getting a message coming up TRANSMISSION FAULT TRACTION REDUCED, took it to my mechanic and he put it on his diagnostic reader and got a code U0437, what would you advise?
Thanks Danny
Hi Danny,
This is an issue with the Haldex, in particular the Haldex ECU or pump. In our experience if the Haldex ECU or pump is faulty it is usually a sign of internal issues with the Haldex itself, and if you replace just the ECU or pump the problem can often re-occur after a few months. We can supply you with a reconditioned Haldex with new pump for £650 + VAT.
All the best,
Sorry, broken post. I am now thinking when the garage checked the level, they over filled the Diff causing the pressurisation. Your thought would however still be welcomed. Thank you Paul
Hi Paul,
Yes, if they overfilled the rear differential this could cause it to overflow. The other thing which can cause it to overflow is if you have mismatched tyres and this heats the differential up, however you say you have replaced all four tyres recently so this should not be the cause.
All the best,
Sorry, broken post. I am now thinking when the garage checked the level, they over filled the Diff.
Hi, worried man Paul here again. I have just removed the Diff level plug and an amount of oil came out. The car was on level ground. I
I have a Frrelander 2 disel auto on a 2007 plate. I have just returned from a 250 mile round trip yesterday. I have found diff oil on the rear nearside bumper and I realise the diff vent pipes vent behind the wheel arch inner liner and there is some oils around this area, (Oil smell like EP90). I bought the car in November 2011 and did return the car to the dealer as there was a show of oil from the rear diff drive shaft seal on the offside. This was a minor show and the dealer cleaned the area and has remained dry since, but after the run yesterday, there is a very light “show” again. I did also at the time complain of the a vibration when the car is laboring, e.g going up a hill. This has got no worse but I am fearing a problem with the diff, particularly due to the venting after the run yesterday. I have in the last month replaced all 4 tyres as the old ones were perished but they had all worn evenly if a little out of shape. I am of course fearing the very worst assuming the diff is at fault, but any advice would be extremely welcome as I cannot understand why the diff would pressurise enough to vent oil from the breather pipe. Thank you. A very worried man.
How do i know whether the odometer in 2007 Td4 HSE Auto reads kilometers or miles and how can i change from miles to kilometers?
Hi Kamau,
If, with the ignition on, you press the trip reset for over 3 seconds it should toggle between miles and km.
All the best,
I have a Freelander 2 2007 with the Gen 3 Haldex I guess. The first one at FR2.
The discs inside are no good and I tried to change the whole part. But I just can find the new generation Haldex round here. Do you have it to sell? Can you send it to Brazil?
Hi Evandro,
Yes, the replacement units are a Gen 4 unit, but you need to get one which is backward compatible to a Gen 3 Haldex. We can supply a reconditioned Gen 4, compatible with your Gen 3, for £650 plus £200 surcharge. Shipping to Brazil is £120. Hence the total would be £970.
A new Haldex is £2,458.04 plus £750 surcharge.
All the best,
Freelander 2 2011 Rear Diff: After reconditioning the rear differential (replace all bearings and seal) and filling the ensemble with oil, i noticed an oil spill from the smal hole (drilled hole) below the rear Diff ( just below the haldex flling plug) after driving to test the car, what is the purpose of this hole? and what is the probleme exactly?
Regards and thanks in advance
Hi Djoubir,
My apologies for the delay in responding.
The hole you describe is normally the tell tale sign of an issue with the rear differential seal when it is leaking oil, so I would get this checked out.
All the best,
Thank you very much for your help.
I have a 2013 Freelander 2 TD4 with manual transmission and suddenly I’m seeing “Gearbox fault traction reduced” on my dashboard. Terrain response is not working. What do you think could be the problem?
Hi mark,
Unfortunately this sounds like an issue with your Haldex, which is the active-on-demand part of your 4×4 system. We do supply reconditioned Haldex’s for £780 including VAT which include a new pump (many use the existing pump).
All the best,
Hi Sue
Thanks for your reply. After switching the engine off and leaving it to cool down a bit, it is not given me the warning again. I also drove it for around 1hr in moderate traffic and no issues either.
I am curious, because I have read that it could be an issue with the battery, rather than the haldex system, which incidentally is showing 12.3V after charge, rather than the more appropriate 12.67V. I also noticed that sometimes the eco-mode switching engine off thing does not work sometimes. This has happened since two days ago.
Using a normal OBD2 connector, I did not find any stored errors in the ECU either, but maybe it is not able to access all systems on my land rover.
Is there any way of definetly knowing that it is the haldex system?
Hi Sue
I own a LR2 year 2007. The dashbord errors that appears are: HDC system fault, transmission fault. I know also that the haldex controller burns the respective fuse (15A) every time that I replace it and turn the ignition on. Can this controller be replaced? Can a used controller be used for replacement or it needs a new factory one?
Hi Jim,
Yes, you can just replace the ECU for the Haldex, although sometimes an issue with the ECU is just a symptom of an internal issue with teh Haldex itself. You can just put a used ECU on providing it is from the same generation Haldex (if yours is the original Haldex it should be a Gen 3).
All the best,
I am looking at a Freelander 2, aged between 2007 and 2009
What do I need to look for at service stage?
What should I avoid?
How many miles before X and Y needs to be replaced?
Thanks in advance
Hi Paul,
Congratulations on your decision to look at purchasing a Freelander, they are great vehicles.
With a Freelander 2 of the age you are looking at check if the rear differential has been reconditioned (preferably with the uprated pinion bearing). If it has not been done then there is a chance it will need to be done some time in the future (we charge £750 including reconditioning, fitting all parts, oils, labour and VAT, just to give you an idea of what to budget for). You can reduce the risk of a problem with the rear differential, and the rest of the drive train, by ensuring all four tyres are matched, same make, size, type and tread – always change all four tyres at the same time to avoid drivetrain issues.
Check for any oil leaks, particularly around the intercooler. Always use the recommended oil in the Freelander 2, DO NOT use a cheap alternative, stick to Texaco, Shell or Castrol.
The timing belt needs changing at 150,000 miles or 10 years, whichever comes first, so this is the big service and you will be looking at around the £1,000 mark – a 2007 vehicle will be due for this during this year, so make sure you budget for it.
These are great vehicles and generally very reliable. Your key is to protect the engine by using a high quality oil and having regular services and to protect the drivetrain by changing all four tyres at the same time for the same make, size and type. If what you are buying has mismatched tyres we would strongly recommend you change them as soon as possible – budget for this in the price you pay.
We hope this helps. Good luck in your purchase.
All the best,
My dad has a 57 plate FL2 Auto. For some months now he has had an issue with vibration from the rear prior to the box downshifting, almost the same as a manual car being in too high a gear. Land Rover have replaced the rear diff with no improvement. He has also had the gearbox and torque converter reconditioned. For a while the problem semmed to be cured, but now it has returned. Research has led me to your site, and I was wondering if the Haldex unit could actually be the culprit, and would it have been changed with the rear diff?
Hi Chris,
The problem sounds like it could be either the Haldex or the Power Transfer Unit. The Haldex would not be changed with the rear differential, it is a separate unit just attached to the rear diff.
We do supply both of these units as reconditioned units, however we would need to see the Freelander in order to determine which is the problem.
All the best,
I own a 2007/8 FL2 diesel autamatic transmission. Yesterday I switched off the engine after a run of about 40 km and after I came to start the engine again, after about 30 mins, it could not start at all. The engine tries to start (battery is very good) but it cannot. It brings a message something like HDC fault. I fear I have left it very low on fuel (diesel) and it might have run out. I topped it up with diesel but still the engine does not run. I live on a very small island and FL2 knowledge is limited. Mechanic suggested faulty diesel pump but Im sceptical; I would rather think the issue is stemming from some electronic fault/command. Can you provide me with some tips please? Thanks a lot. John.
Hi John,
Thank you for your message and email.
How did the garage bleed the system? For these engines it needs to be bled using a hand fuel priming pump to siphon fuel from the tank into the fuel filter. If a different bleeding method has been used it is likely you still have air in the system.
All the best,
Hi there,
I Have just started to get the same message on my screen, although tonight was the first time the terrain response turned off, I have just had my 60 plate 42k miles car serviced and new brakes put on, could it be a sensor has been knocked? Or am I looking at an expensive fix?
Thanks in advance
Hi Col,
This sounds like an issue with your Haldex active-on-demand unit unfortunately, it is unlikely to be a sensor which has been knocked. It could be worth getting the Haldex serviced before going down the route of replacing it. To service the haldex, which includes cleaning the pump and replacing the filter and the oil, is £196.65 including VAT.
All the best,
I have this warning while on vacation in Norfolk with a touring caravan.
There doesn’t appear to be any difference in vehicle performance or traction. However I am planning to hitch up and tow the van back to Staffs today.
My Freelander 2 is 12 plate and less than 60K miles. Regular service couple of months ago. Including new clutch. So if this is a major fail, I shall be very disappointed – to say the least.
Am I OK to get home and check into my local service centre?
Hi Mike,
You should be fine to drive home although there is a possibility it could go into limp home mode which will reduce your speed until you plug it into diagnostics.
Where in Norfolk are you? We are at IP26 4RH, so if you are anywhere near us you could drop in and we could take a look for you.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
How do I know if I just need a new pump or a complete Haldex unit. Just had a new filter and oil but Traction Reduced error message still appears and I’ve been quoted £3,500 plus fitting for a new unit for a 2009 model FL2?
Hi Ruth,
Generally you should be able to hear the pump on the haldex priming. If you cannot hear this then it could just be the pump you require, otherwise you are likely to be looking at a new Haldex.
If you do need the complete Haldex, for your information currently we have new, genuine Land Rover generation 4 Haldex units for £895 including VAT. Fitting is £255 including VAT and oils, hence, supplied and fitted would be £1,150. We are based by the Norfolk/Suffolk border, IP26 4RH. Replacing the haldex unit would take approximately 4 hours and we could loan you a car to explore our Norfolk countryside whilst we did it.
All the best,
0780 9575 421
hi sue, i have started to get error messages such as transmission fault, special features off etc.No hdc and no esp.
Can I ask, if you fit a new haldex unit will it have a new haldex ecu or will you fit my ecu to the new haldex.
When my car starts I cant hear the haldex pump running and the haldex fuse in the boot fusebox hasnt blown.
Mine is a 12 reg with 72k mileage
Hi Bryan,
The new Haldex’s come with the ECU, however, we have just run out of the ones we had on the special deal. We can supply a reconditioned Haldex which will have a good ECU with it. Normally the ECU is only a problem if there is a communication error. In your case it sounds like any issue within the Haldex has affected the pump, in our experience if you only change the pump the problem generally reoccurs within about 3 months, so the best thing is to change the whole Haldex. What is the condition of your tyres? Are they wearing evenly? Were they all changed at the same time?
All the best,
Believe its the pump on the Haldex unit they are about £240+ vat about 4 hours labour to fit
Hi,I am having a knocking sort of noise coming from the rear end of my freelander 2 it only comes when take off when turning left,its almost like the driveshaft is slipping would this be the haldex unit on its way out,the garage i got the car from had replaced the rear diff defore i bought it.Can you run this model without the drive shaft and diff/haldex unit while it gets repaired ?many thanks allan
Hi Allan,
This does sound like an issue with the Haldex especially if it feels like the wheels are jamming when you corner. We have never removed the prop shaft on the Freelander 2 so are not sure what you would need to check for this.
If you need a new Haldex we do have new genuine generation 4 Haldex’s available for just £895 including VAT.
All the best,
Hi sue my partners car is cumming up with the same fault transmission failure loss of traction, it’s only just started to do it but when it does come on the dash all the terrain settings go off,any ideas,it 2010 fl2 model thanks
Hi Phillip,
Sorry to hear your partner is having issues with their Freelander 2. It sounds like a problem with the pump for the Haldex unit. You can just replace the pump, it does not need the whole Haldex.
All the best,
Freelander 2 problem: After a differential bearing replacement the car has been returned from the dealer with a transmission fault message and an oil leak from the differential. Is this likely to be a Haldex fault? Wasn’t getting an error message before the bearing was replaced.
Hi Steve,
The Haldex uses a different oil from the rear differential so if it is leaking differential oil the problem is with the differential.
With regard to the transmission fault, are you able to select the special terrain functions? If not then it could be they have not plugged the wires back in after completing the rear differential work.
All the best,
I have just had the same problem and the F2 is back at the main dealers – how did the solve your problem ?
Hi. When I had my FL2 2.2 Diesel serviced last the oil level was showing quite a bit above the max mark when the engine was cold. Is this problem or will it just burn off and find its own level?
Hi Peter,
Provided you are checking it on level ground you would be best to drain the excess off and bring it down to the maximum level. Too much oil in the system can cause seals to burst.
All the best,
Hi Sue. Thanks for the reply and advice. I’ll draw some out and bring it to the max mark on the dipstick.
Cheers. Peter